Good vs Evil
Sherlock Holmes vs Keyser Soze
A grudge match between two of my all-time favorite fictional characters...
Who wins?... Answer before you follow the link...
[idea via Eric's post]
Bullshit so far »» dramaqueen .:. my horns are tangled in my halo links with: little miss mad pussy
Last Call
Last Call for Alcohol!
Bullshit so far »» DramaQueen links with: a good blogger, like a good bra, never lets you down
» Note-It Posts links with: Second Quote of the Day
» drowning at 2 feet sea level links with: Utter nonsense.
» Blackfive - The Paratrooper of Love links with: Wednesday Warp
» Straight White Guy links with: Joke of the Day
» Practical Penumbra links with: Monday Morning Blues....
» drowning at 2 feet sea level links with: Sunday Roll Call
» Straight White Guy links with: Zevon again...
» Practical Penumbra links with: Idle blogs are the devil's playthings...
» margilowry [dot] com links with: Madfish Willie announces Last Call
» XSet links with: Party on dudes!
» Practical Penumbra links with: With a little help from my friends...
» dramaqueen .:. my horns are tangled in my halo links with: you flirt!
» Straight White Guy links with: Blogger Sins....
» Bad Example links with: GLENN'S LAW
» Bad Example links with: [INSERT THEME MUSIC HERE]
» Jennifer's History and Stuff links with: Harvey Interview
The very worst system...
I don't do any poli-blogging over here, or anywhere else for that matter, but I an across something today that I have to comment on.
I followed a link over at Wizbang and came to Ben Hammersly's site. I liked the page design and the content of the post Kevin linked. So, I clicked home and browsed the rest of the site. Some interesting stuff...
I came to a post titled The very worst system, apart from all the others. Reading down through it was just regular old bullshit stuff... then came at the end...
...The other point to ponder is a mischievous one: given the US’s unique role on the international stage, is it morally right for its election to be decided, or even participated in, only by its own citizens?Now go down and read the comments from foreign nationals.
I don't care what your political views views are, or whether or not I agree with them, this is absolutely unacceptable! Our elections are to be decided by us and us alone. This is NOT a one world government. The United States is a sovereign nation, governed by the consent of it's own citizens, not the citizens of the world. They have no right to participate in our electoral processes, moral or otherwise.
I hope that some of you poli-bloggers take up this particular issue, I would like to hear your thoughts and opinions on it.
Go read the post and make sure you take in the commentary also.
Bullshit so far »Hippo Dog Lion Sleeps Tonight
Damn... I must be the Google Monster King of the Blogsphere! Internet!
I bet I get 100 google search hits a day... people searching for all kinds of shit... go check out my sitemeter any time and you'll see pages of google and yahoo searches... but there is one in particular search term that I get all kinds of hits on:
Hippo Dog Lion Sleeps Tonight
I have always wondered just what the fuck that same person(s) keeps coming to my site like that... just bookmark it already. Freak!
Well, today I got a comment in an old post that reads:
Okay, The hippo and lion sleeps tonight thing... incase your still wondering you can see what the fuck everyone is searching it for...
It's from a french TV cartoon and is probably the best cga I've ever seen.
I haven't followed the link back yet but if it helps I'll post a link myself to the Hippo Dog Lion Sleeps Tonight for all those people searching for the Hippo Dog Lion Sleeps Tonight video thingy. That way when people enter Hippo Dog Lion Sleeps Tonight in google, I will be #1 search result for Hippo Dog Lion Sleeps Tonight and they can stop searching.
Bullshit so far »Construction Zone!
Sorry for the light no posting for the last couple of days.
I've been completing a couple of site re-designs for pamibe, She Who Will Be Obeyed, and Civilization Calls. Plus I tweaked a skin I did for Jim over at Snooze Button Dreams. Go check out all them when you have a chance.
While I was at it, I decided to re-work my sidebar. Now you may think this is a simple operation. In most cases, yes. But one week-end I had a brain fart and did some weird and wild stuff to my index site... basically I put everything in modules so I could include the modules in different pages and not have to recode every page when I wanted to change something. If you look at my archive pages and permalink pages, you can see what I did. Anyway, that's all fine and dandy, but if you ever decide to make major changes, it makes the job much more difficult than it has to be.
After much pulling of hair, gnashing of teeth, and drinking of beer, I'm still not finished! But it's to a point where I can leave it till next week-end.
Here's what I did:
Last Call »Bullshit so far »
Hola, everybody!
I'm baaaaack! Sorry for the no posting zone here for the last week as I know many of you have come to depend on the sage drinking advice and really dumb-ass jokes from the The Bartender, Madfish et al!
Before you start fucking with me Harvey, I have a good excuse. I was at an out of town job, in the field, with no internet access (that I cared to pay for anyway) and my laptop was at home. Anyway, just got back in and need to answer all my e-mails etc.
Regular blogging will begin again starting with Sunday's Tales From The Champagne Room.
Until then, have a couple of ice cold ones on the house!
Bullshit so far »The Mozilla Monster Sucks!
Oowwwwch! I hurt my arm today... twisted the crap out of my shoulder... the one with old football injury... patting myself on the back!
I finally finished! After spending all friggin day and what seems like a million little bity tiny edits, I finally got my site to validate as XHTML 1.0 compliant! It is also CSS 2.0 compliant! I have proudly posted the logos at the bottom of the sidebar for all to see.
I had to leave some stuff out that I had on the sidebar because i couldn't get it through the certifier today: Mary Ann v. Ginger Poll, Guest Map, Random Toasts, NZ Bear's Ecosystem script, and some other little things that I took out because I was tired of them.
I guess this means my site is totally compliant with all browsers out there. Even the dreaded Mozilla Monsters should be able to see this exactly as I have it laid out. After I clean out my hard drive and transfer some files over to my laptop, I'll download Mozilla so I can see if I'm right. In the mean time, you Mozilla Monsters tell me if it looks any different if ya would!
I'd like to apologize {Susie} for all the pingage today. I didn't know forgot that I could turn the pings off. D'oh!
To make up for it, I'll have a massive linkfest tomorrow with a really good cragerization of something I found today. Too late tonight, but make sure to drop back by on Wednesday!
Bullshit so far »Ping Slaught!
Please excuse today's ping slaught! I am very sorry for all the pings today.
I've been running my site through an XHTML validator and trying to get rid of any bad coding I have in my index and posts. I'll be working on this tonight till I get it completed, so please bear with me. I have some kind of bug in the Champagne Room entries that I can't figure out and I'm having to use brute force to work it out.
Susie... yeah... I know... I'm a rotten bastard. But I'm trying to get this to where it reads OK for every browser so that means validated XHTML and CSS! That way you Mozilla Monsters can see my site without having to change browsers.
Thank you for understanding that I'm doing this so everyone can see my site the way it is intended to be seen.
Bullshit so far »Test Ping
Test ping to Robust Enthusiast Porn!
Go check it out!
You don't want to miss this!
Bullshit so far »Remodeling
Sorry for the lack of posting the Happy Hour Party and Dumb Ass Jokes by Kang A Roo today. I have been doing some remodeling to the site.
I was having problems with readers using Mozilla browsers [Susie] not being able to read certain parts of the blog. As I started this blog, I knew absolutely nothing about CSS and a little about HTML that I learned long ago. The language has developed so much since then, I've had to reducate myself.
As I was building the site and tweeking and tweeking and tweeking, I had a lot of garbage code [marquee tags] that I kept in the templates and used comment tags to hide. I also had used some substandard coding practices to achieve the look I desired.
So all last night and part of this morning, I spent going through my Stylesheet and Index Template. I removed all the comment tages, rewrote code to current standards [thank you to Phil], and changed a few things design-wise.
I don't know exactly what fixed the Mozilla problem, as I completed everything before anyone [Susie] read my site today. If it was the recoding or installing an image background under the .blogbody section so that the page background wouldn't show through, but a commentor [Susie] said Yay!!!!!! So, if everyone [Susie] is happy, I'm happy!
Anyway, I'm working on Sunday's regular feature: Tales From The Champagne Room right now so we'll see you tomorrow!
Bullshit so far »» Munuviana links with: I think the battle is startin'
Google Fight!
I found the Google Fight at Corner of the Bar Babe, Susie's place: Practical Penumbra
Today's Google Fight is brought to you by: Blackfive's "There He Goes".
Blackfive: 11,500
Madfish Willie: 4,210
Matt: 10,300,00
Bartender: 676,000
Matt: 10,3000,00
My Name: 21,600,000
I will retire the undefeated and untied Google Fight Champion of Madfish Willie's
Next week we'll change it up a little and let you decide who will be in the Google Fight of The Week next Friday. The Winner will receive gratuitous linkage and Google Fight the next challenger!
Bullshit so far »» Practical Penumbra links with: A Blast from the Past
Google Bombing the LoL
Tom at BigStick.US has a project he would like everyone to assist him with and Harvey agrees that it's a good idea.
Tom wants to Google Bomb the LoL with the link General Douchebaggery.
Please post that exact link, both text and URL, somewhere on your site. Multiple times, if you so desire. For the HTML-impaired, just copy and paste this tag:
<a href="" target=top>General Douchebaggery</a>
Last Call »Bullshit so far »
» taco flavored kisses links with: Ooooh, google bombs
» Practical Penumbra links with: Google Bomb
Survivor: Blogosphere Edition
Survivor: Blogsphere Edition is moving rught along. The second immunity challenge results are in.
In a really close vote, Helen wins immunity!
She and the rest of the contestants will now vote for who gets kicked off the island on Friday morning. Come back then to see who the final four contetants are.
Bullshit so far »Google Fight!
I found the Google Fight at Corner of the Bar Babe, Susie's place: Practical Penumbra
Today's Google Fight is brought to you by:
Bad Money's: I Was Wrong
Bad Money: 6,460,000
Madfish Willie: 4,210
Harvey: 4,160,000
Bartender: 676,000
Fuck Harvey... I'll use my real name!
Harvey: 4,160,000
My Name: 21,600,000
I am still the Champ!
Next challenger for the title: Blackfive
Bullshit so far »Google Fight!
I found this link at Corner of the Bar Babe, Susie's place: Practical Penumbra
Today's Google Fight is brought to you by: Susie Q's Space Aliens!!
Practical Penumbra: 11,800
Madfish Willie: 4,210
Susie: 932,000
Bartender: 676,000
Shit, Susie is kicking my ass... I gotta pull out the big guns and use real name!
Susie: 932,000
My Name: 21,600,000
I am the Champ!
Bullshit so far »» Practical Penumbra links with: Tune in Tomorrow
Harvey's Madfish Mojo Magic
Harvey has been puttin some kind of freaky mojo magic on the Madfish so he can't get his friggin tips out of the tip jar. For some weird reason, I haven't been able to view the currency pics on his site. Then, this afternoon they just mysteriously showed up again for no apparant reason.
Don't tell him, but I got Fatty Sue to put the reverse mojo hex on his nasty ass to get even with him for all the bad shit he been wishin on me here since lately. That ought ta learn him ta mess around wit da Madfish!
Here are some of the meager scraps Harvey sees fit to leave as tips. If that's all he can scrap together to leave as a tip, I got a tip for him... Never play leapfrog with a unicorn!
Last Call »Bullshit so far »
» Wizbang links with: Bonfire of the Vanities - Week 20
You Asked, Susie Answers
Susie from Practical Penumbra has her Interview with Jen up over at Jennifer's History & Stuff. Harvey, that sick friggen jerk off has to make a big sexual innuendo out of everything. We're gonna have to whack his pee-pee if he doesn't straighten up!
Anyway, go over and read Susie's answers to my questions - you'll have no trouble telling which ones were from Madfish Willie!
By the way, questions for my interview are open now! E-mail them to Jen by Wednesday.
Bullshit so far »What Drink Are You?
Its a good thing when The Bartender knows what drink you are. That way, when it gets really busy, you just walk up to the bar, pick up your drink, throw down a tip to the bartender, and walk away. Meanwhile, everybody else waiting in line for a drink is looking at you wondering who the hell do you think you are and get your ass in line just like everybody else. Fuck Em, The End.
Here's what drinks the Munuvians are:
Heather at Angleweave: Long Island Iced Tea
Tuning Spork from Blather Review: Long Island Iced Tea
Victor from Publius & Co: Long Island Iced Tea
Jennifer from Jennifer's History & Stuff: Screaming Orgasm
Susie from Practical Penumbra: Strawberry Dacquiri
LeAnn from The Cheese Stands Alone: Tequila
Ted from Rocket Jones: Cold Beer
Last Call »Bullshit so far »
You Asked, Helen Answers
Jennifer has the long awaited Interview With Helen up.
I can't beleive there weren't enough more sex questions for the nubile young wench we all know as Helen.
I guess that's my fault for not getting these guys drunk enough to ask what is really on their mind!
Bullshit so far »New Blogger Discovery
I found this site by following linkage from Daniel via Susie. It is an interesting site... not too political... not taking itself too seriously... just a normal, everyday kinda deal... a laidback read...
Now go to Two Nervous Dogs Nervous Laughter & Occasional Barking Fits. Tell her Madfish Willie sent ya!
Bullshit so far »Calling Shotgun!
You may have asked yourself: "Self, just what are the rules of calling shotgun?" Well, Let me tell you, there are many rules. I am here now to give you a primer on Calling Shotgun.
[Shit, I didn't know this was such a complicated affair. When I was growing up, it didn't matter if you called shotgun, you got the crap beat out of you by the the toughest kid and had to ride bitch.]
The calling of Shotgun is a time-honored tradition. In today's world, it is the act of reserving the front passenger seat in the automobile that caller is about to ride in. The activity has become fairly complex and an important activity. Hence these rules have been created to govern this activity and to explain the responsibilities of this position. In actual practice, the rules of the owner/driver of the vehicle applies.
Last Call »Bullshit so far »
» Note-It Posts links with: In tribute...
» Note-It Posts links with: In tribute...
» Note-It Posts links with: In tribute...
Vote For Moondoggie
Go over to Snooze Button Dreams right now and vote for G's new nickname. The poll is a drop down poll in the siderbar. Go.Now.Vote.For.Moondoggie! (Moondoggie was my entry and he's tied for first!)
Bullshit so far »Around the Bar...
As Madfish Willie wonders around lost throught the blogosphere in a drunken stupor, he runs across some interesting things:
Harvey at Bad Money breaks into Michael Moore's has to admire his trophy collection. And he Schwings!
Jim at Snooze Button Dreams has concluded the first part of the name the G contest. Go over and vote in the sidebar pool and vote for Moondoggie (my entry)! Remember vote early and vote often.
That damn Ted at Rocket Jones used a fake ID to buy beer! He's barred!
Our bonnie Heather, (a Corner of the Bar Babe) at Angelweave has her eye on a cool bicycle. Personally, I prefer the one with the spokeless tires.
Acidman at Gut Rumbles had a lunch date. The first time I read about it I just glanced at it and thought it said something else. If I told you what I thought it said Acidman would probable hunt me down with a venegence, so we'll just leave it at that. Did he get laid? Did he pay (for lunch)?
Dana, America's #1 Pin Up Girl and a Corner of The Bar Babe, has a worn out finger? Which one and how? Follow the linkage to find out the whole story.
What the hell is a Flirtini? Drinking, Flirting, Mingling! Allana Baroni has the scoop!
Jim at Snooze Button Dreams has a new on-line writing project called The Lady of the Lake and wants his regulat readership to help him out. Sounds like an interesting experiment, go find out what it' all about.
Ross at Rocket Penguin has his list of 100 things up. It's a little short on one end!
Ross also wants to be the next Pope and outlines his program!
Phelps at the Everlasting Phelps tells us why the televison ratings suck. He's right.
We've all heard the asshole morning radio DJs always jacking with people. Phelps tells us about the Upstart Hayseed, who shuts one of em down good.
Tom at Tom's Nap Room tell us the difference between theory and practice from his new digs at munuviana.
Paul at Sanity's Edge invents gunpowder and take an ass-whippin'
Eric at Straight White Guy tells us why arguing with a Scotsman over an egg is not the smartest thing to do.
Venomous Kate is winding her vacation time with her buddy down and posts some pics.
Bullshit so far »New Blog Showcase
In this weeks New Blog Showcase at The Truth Laid Bear, I'm voting for:
Irreconcilable Musings' post Defending the Blogosphere Front in the War on Terrorism about... you guessed it, defending the blogosphere's front in the war on terrorism.
All Alliance members are required to vote early and vote often in order to beat the new pretenders to our thone!
Bullshit so far »A Reminder...
A reminder: Only two more days to enter the Madfish Willie's Ultimate Bloggers Cocktail Recipe Contest! Here are the entries so far.
Remember the first drink you ever took? (With your parents doesn't count - sneaking out is where it's at!)
How about the first time you got drunk?...
The first bar you were ever in?...
The first bar you ever got thrown out of?...
Check it out and who cares if the stories are true, only if they are funny. This is a friggin' bar after all, we lie to each other all night long!
Bullshit so far »Around the Bar...
Harvey has been saving up his money so he can stuff the Tip Jar properly. He's been doing some weird things in the mean time like running arould with Counterfeiter Carl, Wayne & Garth, and a bunch of Hillbillies! No wonder he has a big wad o' cash stuffed in his back pocket!
Jen had a crazy day yesterday and reminds us the Blackfive interview is to be posted on Friday. You won't want to miss this event!!
Jim from Snooze Button Dreams is convinced that the EU has taken steps to lure Helen back to Sweden.
James at Parkway Rest Stop tries to explain what a blog is to the unitiated. Tough job!
Acidman at Gut Rumbles tells us about his favorite Heavies!
Eric at Straight White Guy knows how to stock a frig... and a freezer... and around a computer! Maybe he should listen to Ernest Hemingway.
SilverBlue issues an all points virus alert! Don't ignore this warning or you may become a victim of a deleted hard drive!!
Ted at Rocket Jones tells a tale about RippleFire.
Don at Anger Managment has "One More Before I Go" and then tells us why Cops Are Stupid!
For Sale: One Slightly Used Camera - contact the Physics Geek!
Bullshit so far »Virtual Music
Tonight's playlist is from SilverBlue, Madfish Willie's very own Virtual Disc Jockey. It is titled: The Cheating Time
Tonight's playlist, includes:
Eagles - Lyin' Eyes
Lorrie Morgan - I Guess You Had To Be There
Eurythmics - Who's That Girl?
Roxette - What's She Like?
Garth Brooks - The Thunder Rolls
Reba McEntire - Ring On Her Finger (Time On Her Hands)
Randy Travis - Reasons I Cheat
Shania Twain - Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under?
Cathy Dennis - You Lied To Me
Timi Yuro - Something Bad On My Mind
Maureen McGregor - Torn Between Two Lovers
Bananarama - Last Thing On My Mind
Lara Fabian or Josh Groban - Broken Vow
Samantha Fox - Another Woman (Too Many People)
Crystal Gayle - Talking In Your Sleep
Barbara Mandrell - If Loving You Is Wrong (I Don't Wanna Be Right)
Now, get on home you cheatin' bastards!
Bullshit so far »Virtual Playlist
I asked Madfish Willie's Virtual DJ, Silver Blue, to compile a list of songs that have drinking or something related to drinking in the song title.
He came up with this list that I want to post and then add-on for one big definitive list that I can post via a link on the sidebar. So here is the starting list:
Toby Keith / Willie Nelson: Whiskey for my Men, Beer for my Horses!
AC/DC: Have a Drink On Me
Loretta Lynn: Don't Come Home-A Drinkin' With Lovin On Your Mind
David Frizell : I'm Gonna Hire A Wino
Jimmy Buffett: Why Don't We Get Drunk
Garth Brooks: Two Pina Coladas
Johnny Paycheck: Colorado Cool Aid
Roy Carrier & the Night Rockers: Whiskey Drinkin' Man
George Jones: If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me (Her Memory Will)
Eddie Rabbitt: Drinkin' My Baby (Off My Mind)
George Thorogood & The Destroyers: If You Don't Start Drinkin' (I'm Gonna Leave)
American Dog: I Keep Drinkin' (You're Still Ugly)
Tracey Byrd: 10 Rounds with Jose Cuervo
Grace Knight: Drinkin Again
Chris DeBurgh: Moonlight and Vodka
His friend Tink adds these tunes:
7Nations - Whiskey in the Jar
Great Big Sea - Old Black Rum
From Straight White Guy:
George Thorogood & The Destoyers - I Drink Alone
From Candy Universe:
George Thorogood & The Destroyers - One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer
Jimmy Buffett - Margaritaville
From TacJammer:
Charlie Daniels - Drinkin' My Baby Goodbye
Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb
From Raging Dave
Big Bad Voodoo Daddy - You and Me and the Bottle make Three (tonight)
From Ken
Maria McKee - Drinking in My Sunday Dress
From Michael:
Garth Brooks & George Jones - Beerrun
Madfish Willie adds:
unknown - Jose Cuervo
Allanah Myles - Black Velvet
Jimmy Buffet - The Wino & I Know
John Michael Montgomery - Beer & Bones
Brooks & Dunn - Whiskey Under the Bridge
Neil Diamond - Love On The Rocks
Jim Croce - Time in a Bottle
Willie Nelson - Whiskey River
Carlos Santana /w Rob Thomas - Smooth
John Anderson - Straight Tequila Night
Jerry Jeff Walker - Sangria Wine
Jerry Jeff Walker - Backsliders Wine
Rupert Everett - The Pina Coloda Song
Jimmy Buffet - Boat Drinks
Jimmy Buffet - God's Own Drunk
Virtual Music
Tonight's playlist is from SilverBlue, Madfish Willie's very own Virtual Disc Jockey. It is titled The Drinking My Blues Away CD
Tonight's playlist, includes, but is not limited to:
1. Ring On My Finger, Time On My Hands - Reba McEntire
2. Promises - Randy Travis
3. The Chill of An Early Fall - George Strait
4. Watch Me - Lorrie Morgan
5. Maybe It Was Memphis - Pam Tillis
6. Strawberry Wine - Deanna Carter
7. If Loving You Is Wrong (I Don't Wanna Be Right) - Barbara Mandrell
8. Rocky Top - Osborne Brothers
9. Stranger In My House - Ronnie Milsap
10. Carolina Mountain Dewe - Alabama
11. His Greatest Need - Wynonna
12. Neon Moon - Brooks & Dunn
13. The Dance - Garth Brooks
14. Men - The Forester Sisters
15. Fist City - Loretta Lynn
16. Rose Garden - Lynn Anderson
17. Tear In My Beer - Hank Williams Jr.
18. If You Want To Find Love - Kenny Rogers
19. Always On My Mind - Willie Nelson
20. I Will Always Love You - Dolly Parton
Shit, I'm gonna go home and cry by myself!
Bullshit so far »Closed
I'm sorry, but Madfish Willie's Cyber Saloon is closed on Sundays.
Come back tomorrow for more Dancin' Glancin' & Romancin'!
In the post below we've selected some music for your listening pleasure.
Plus, we will continue to take entries in The Ultimate Blogger Recipe Contest.
All you guys in the Corner of The Bar Gang and the girls in the Corner of The Bar Babes, get your rest. We have another chapter in The Continuing Adventures of Madfish Willie this week!
Bullshit so far »Virtual Music
Tonight's playlist is from Madfish Willie himself. Enjoy!
- 1. Have a Drink on Me - AC/DC
2. Rocky Raccoon - The Beatles
3. Eli's Coming - Three Dog Night
4. Gloria - Van Morrison
5. American Woman - Lenny Kravitz
6. Turn the Page - Bob Seger
7. Would I Lie to You? - Eurythmics
8. If You Don't Know Me by Now - Simply Red
9. Son of a Preacher Man - Dusty Springfield
10. I'd Have to Be Crazy - Willie Nelson
Cheers! Bullshit so far »
Blogroll Honor Roll
- The Blogroll Honor Roll is a weekly Thank You Very Much to people who have blogrolled me in the last week and people who I have blogrolled because I like their site for some reason. You may not agree with the sites I like - if not, Bite Me, I don't care. Plus, it's a chance to give them some gratuitous, free, Drinky Links.
- Hypocrasy & Hypothesis
- Argghhh!!!
- Physics Geek
- Big Stick US
- Civilization Calls
- Note-It Posts
- Straight White Guy
- Sneakeasy's Joint
- As I See It..
- Tenth Muse
- On-Line Orgasm
- Gut Rumbles
The Blogrollees (Blogs I blogrolled)
The Blogrollers (Blogs that blogrolled me)
If I missed any bloggers that blogrolled me this week, just drop me an e-mail and I'll put you in next week's list!
Thanks again to everyone!
Bullshit so far »Virtual Music
Tonight's playlist is from SilverBlue, Madfish Willie's very own Virtual Disc Jockey.
SilverBlue sometimes records a CD for his personal enjoyment and he posts his music selections to his blog. From what I can tell, the man has an eclectic taste in music - a little bit of the best of everything - all for our listening pleasure.
Tonight's playlist, includes, but is not limited to:
1. The Hideway - Fifth Dimension
2. What Kind of Fool - Barbra Streisand & Barry Gibb
3. On The Radio - Donna Summer
4. Money Changes Everything - Cyndi Lauper
5. Union of the Snake - Duran Duran
6. Missionary Man - Eurythmics
7. Make A Move On Me - Olivia Newton-John
8. How Am I Supposed To Live Without You - Laura Branigan
9. I'll Be Here Where The Heart Is - Kim Carnes
10. Every Time You Go Away - Paul Young
11. What Have I Done To Deserve This? - Pet Shop Boys & Dusty Springfield
12. What's Love Got To Do With It (Second Hand Emotion Mix) - Tina Turner
13. Everything She Wants (Everything! mix) - Wham!
14. Twilight World (Radio Edit) - Swing Out Sister
15. When Doves Cry - Prince & The Revolution
16. Sugar Don't Bite - Sam Harris
17. True (Stretching The Truth mix) - Spandau Ballet
Cheers! Bullshit so far »
New Blog Showcase
The Alliance entry into this week's New Blog Showcase is:
Hypocrisy and Hypotheses: Same Thing Every Year....
I've actually read the post. It is a humorous piece that would have made the cut for a link via Moe Syzslak Says:
Also a nice site design - neat tiled background graphic, understated elegance, nice color scheme.
I think a site has to have a good visual element to it in as well as amusing, informative, or educational content for it to be worth going back to repeatedly. Some site are just too jumbled and crammed together and have too much graphical crap that makes them eyesores and not inviting. Anyway...
Alex also has a live comment preview feature that is really cool - I'm gonna have to get one like that when I grow up!
Go over read the link and peruse the rest of the site!
I also liked She Who Will Be Obeyed: Life, the Universe, and Everything.... She is exactly right on this particular issue.
Bullshit so far »Quiz Thingy
A check-in over at Straight White Guy brought this gem to my attention:
Quizilla Test: Which Rat Pack Member Are You?
My favorite question was this one, and which blogger I thought would best fit each answer:
If you worked in a nightclub, you'd function best as the:
- Bouncer: You don't like trouble, but you've got the skills to flatten the foolish. [Blackfive]
- Bartender: Because that's were the money's at. [Jennifer]
- D.J.: You find people notice you best when you're standing in the middle of a spotlight. [Frank J]
- Manager: You'd run the show like a snake-oiled machine. [Bad Money]
Cheers! Bullshit so far »
Virtual Music
Well, I guess we need to start playing some tunes over here, before everyone goes down the street!
I'm looking for a list of songs to play on our state of the art virtual sound system. After Happy Hour, we'll crank the volumn up to 11 and have a party!
Post a list of 10 or 15 songs on your site, notify me via e-mail sending the permalink to your post, and I'll post your playlist with credit and links back to your site. Then, I'll add your playlist to the Madfish Willie's Master Playlist linked in the sidebar at the top of the page!
Here is a playlist from SilverBlue as a sample for all you aspiring DJs.
1. You Opened My Eyes (1:20 Sample) - Bosson
2. Slow (Radio Transcription) - Kylie
3. I Can't Go For That (No Can Do) - Hall & Oates
4. Sunrise - Simply Red
5. Hard To Say I'm Sorry - Chicago
6. While You See A Chance - Steve Winwood
7. Toy Soldiers - Markita
8. Million Miles Away - Kim Wilde
9. I Love You Like A Ball & Chain - Eurythmics
10. Right Here, Right Now - Jesus Jones
11. Walk Away - Donna Summer
12. Heart of Stone - Cher
13. Seasons Change - Expose
14. Fantasy (remix) - BlackBox
15. All Fired Up - Pat Benatar
16. I Still Believe - Harajuku
17. Heaven's What I Feel - Gloria Estefan
18. The Flame - Erin Hamilton
19. How Can Heaven Love Me (Video Mix) - Sarah Brightman & Cris Williamson
Cheers! Bullshit so far »
Precision Guided Humor
I recently had the distinktion of being selected to be an awards presenter at the Internet Blogosphere Awards Presentation and Slobberfest. As repulsed as I was at being given this dubious honor, I showed up and did my duty - but not before downing a couple of my famous Ultimate Martinis!
The award I presented was the Epimenides' Paradox Award. Last year's winner was Al Franken for Lying Liars and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them (or whatever that piece of crap book was named).
This award celebrates the ananias, the falsifier, the fibber, the fibster, the perjurer, the prevaricator, the storyteller, and well... big fat fucking liars. This year's nominees were Michael Moore and... Shit, he was such a big, fat, lying turd, no one else had room to enter.
So when I announced Michael Moore as the winner, I thought I would give him a little spoonful o' his own medicine and go off on my own rant:
You were a crack baby, severely retarded, hardly a looker. You are a borderline cretin, a socially maladjusted parasite, an ill-mannered, undereducated piece of white trash maggot-infested butt-fucking bed-wetting asshat. You are a howling, drunken, fat slob dancing about. You are one huge, corrupt, incestuous orgy of mutual masturbatory orgies. You syphilitic sow. You should be driven into a building, then blown up and buried under 50 ft of dirt and covered with pig shit. You have an IQ slightly above that of room-temperature butter which makes trying to hold a decent argument like kicking a cripple. You despicable, depraved, amoral slug. Anybody can bitch and moan, but few really have the answers, so go ahead and shove that gerbil up your Hilter-kissing, butt-fucking, skinhead-licking, sheep-fucking, small-impaired, desperatly seeking real contact, grasping stupid ass! You syphlitic, neutered, weiner-doggy with worms. You have the creative abilities of a bucket of okra. You are neurally-deficient, morally challenged colon polyp. You are like some cheesy advertizement jingle you can't get out of your head. Ack! You are like watching old ladies at the casino, working the slot machines for the big score but instead of using up their quarters, they're using up their credibility. You are lots of burps and fart noises, signifying nothing. There's a special place in hell for ogres like you. You are like a spoiled teenager begging for attention. You are very boring, whiny and utterly unfunny. Strange that you have't blown your bitter little brains out by now, given your decidedly limited and amoral worldview.
Ya wanna know the funny thing about the whole episode?
I got a standing ovation!
Bullshit so far »Around the Bar...
Harvey ponies up some Big Bucks for the Tip Jar tonight. Remember: Never put money in your mouth!
No wonder Eric at Straight White Guy don't smoke pot. He follows up with this shocking story.
I've been looking for a DJ over here for Madfish Willie's. I was thinking that SilverBlue might be able to do the job when he submitted this playlist.
SilvereBlue gives an Ode To Stupid People.
Newmanisms has some great Insta-taglines - Indeed!
Jim at Snooze Button Dreams tells us how to communicate with deaf hookers. I'm sure this information will come in handy one of these days.
Phelps at The Everlasting Phelps is a peckerwood!
Newman at Newmansims also gets all Jazzed Up at Scrabble - He is the King of Scrabble, by the way.
Watch out for that kiwi! What the hell, let Don tell you what's happening with that.
SilverBlue wonders: does a bear shit in the woods?
Gut Rumbles is a FREAK!
I don't know about you, but if I pissed on the floor when I was a kid, someone knocked the crap out of me!
Howdy Doody & Rootie Kazootie? - James is getting old.
John at Argghhh!!! has some new porn up from The Imperial Arsenal of Doom - go check it out!
Bullshit so far »Evil Glenn's Tagline
That's right... The Instapundit already has a tagline and it's posted in plain site! [ed. All puns intended!]
He uses a technique mastered by the former Saturday Light Live cast member Kevin Nealon and his character Mr. Subliminal.
The only way for normal people to detect this subliminal message is to wear lectroid goggles from The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eight Dimension.
I don't need these devices because I am not a weak-minded individual, plus I've been drinking heavily for several years. I have the unique ability and awesome responsibility to be the only person alive who has actually seen the tagline of Evil Glenn.
It's a plan so insideous, so EVIL, so ...
I have not the proper words to describe it... it's so... so... so... It's just too upsetting... for me to tell you right now. I'm gonna have to do some... Samurai Meditations that... Frank taught me before... I will be calm and... collected enough... to tell you what... Evil Glenn's... ultimate plan is.
[Visibly upset] I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... Excuse me... [The Bartender turns and quickly strides away, to return later and reveal the evil intent of The Instapundit's plan]
Bullshit so far »Around the Bar...
Harvey's getting cheap on me. He brings his friend in, drinks all night, and then only leaves one dollar in the Tip Jar - Jerk! I'm gonna make him start paying for his drinks!
Harvey also has some Precision Guided Humor that is right on target.
I did a Google on Evil Glenn and hit the [I'm Feeling Lucky] button. This is what came up. Who'd a thunk it?
Serenity's Saturday Scruples: �At the local grocer, you see an elderly woman shoplift bacon. Do you tell the grocer?� The Bartender says: It's none of your damn business, but do the right thing - always do the right thing, whatever it is..
Kelly Is In Da House! at Venomous Kate's Hawaiian Paradise and they are drinking Venom & Blight Cocktails! She might also be trying these cocktails later today. That Kate is a woman after my own heart!
LeAnn from The Cheese Stands Alone says "Jake makes it a point to have several 'El Presidentes' whenever we dine at Chili's." It doesn't look to me like Jake was the last man standing at that party!
U.S. Air Force pilot Chuck Yeager is a bartender too? Jennifer gives us this tidbit from 56 Years Ago Today. She always has the coolest little bits of info - a walking trivia game!
Linkin Park Fan is a FREAK! He plays The Penis Game. [Scroll down about 2/3 for instructions]
A Google search for "drunken idiots" turned up this: Reason for Carla not to drink. Check out the guy below on the right (he looks like Blackfive after a night at Madfish Willie's!). Have you ever been that messed up? All he's missing is the lamp shade and we could stick him on The Madfish Willie's Cyber Saloon's 'Wall of Shame'.
Bullshit so far »Evil Glenn's Tagline
The Alliance is trying to come up with a tagline for The Instapundit. Well, they're spinning their wheels 'cause I happen to know that he already has one.
That's right... The Instapundit already has a tagline and it's posted in plain site! [ed. All puns intended!]
He uses a technique mastered by the former Saturday Light Live cast member Kevin Nealon and his character Mr. Subliminal.
The only way for normal people to detect this subliminal message is to wear lectroid goggles from The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eight Dimension.
I don't need these devices because I am not a weak-minded individual, plus I've been drinking heavily for several years. I have the unique ability and awesome responsibility to be the only person alive who has actually seen the tagline of Evil Glenn.
It's a plan so insideous, so EVIL, so ...
I have not the proper words to describe it... it's so... so... so... It's just too upsetting... for me to tell you right now. I'm gonna have to do some... Samurai Meditations that... Frank taught me before... I will be calm and... collected enough... to tell you what... Evil Glenn's... ultimate plan is.
[Visibly upset] I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... Excuse me... [The Bartender turns and quickly strides away, to return later and reveal the evil intent of The Instapundit's plan]
Bullshit so far »New Blog Showcase Winner!
My post: Hangover - Part I won the New Blog Showcase for the week ending 10.13.2003!Bullshit so far »Hangover - Part I was the first of a five part series that anyone who drinks really should read. I promise it will save you a lot of horrible mornings! Check the link on the sidebar titled "So You Wanna Cure A Hangover".
I'd like to thank everyone who voted for me, especially the members of The Alliance (even if you didn't read the post).
Madfish Willie raises his Ultimate Martini in a toast to The Voters! Bless You All!
Quiz Thingy
[This quiz just about says it all!]
your fuck.
What swear word are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Bullshit so far »Around the Bar...
Harvey's tip tonight reveals that George Washington was, apparently, composed largely of sodium.
Harvey also has an Evil Glenn Limerick that is ROFLMAO funny. That guy is a genius at this Filthy Lie thing!
Lord Spatula I gives us "Men's Rules to Live Together By" Go read the rest!
1. Learn to work the toilet seat. If it's up, put it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.Eric at Single White Guy has a pic of the tiger that tried to have Roy for lunch!2. If you won't dress like the Victoria's Secret girls, don't expect us to act like soap opera guys.
3. If you think you're fat, you probably are. Don't ask us.
4. Birthdays, Valentines, and anniversaries are not quests to see if we can find the perfect present yet again!
5. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an answer you don't want to hear. (Really, listen to this one)
Serenity has the actual graphic footage of When Tigers Attack Their Dumbass Handlers!
Jim at Snooze Button Dreams is renaming his friend (formerly known as G, formerly known as G-dog) tomorrow. Don;t miss the polling action - Remember: Vote early - Vote often. Go check out the options first!
Harvey is a SPANKING FREAK [read comments]!
Paul at Sanity's Edge muses: What'll you Have?.
Via Clayton at Up Persicope: Jennifer Anniston or Beer! Cool background song - Happy Together!
Wierd Site of The Day:
LeAnn at The Cheese Stands Alone squeezes the meat log? You have to go find out for yourself.
The Ultimate Bloggers Recipe Contest has spurned an in-house contest to name a drink entry for the contest. His two entries for tonight are Watermelon Martini & Black JellyBean. Plus, he has a really neat blog name and tagline: The Two Hour Lunch, Three martinis and a cloud of dust
Bullshit so far »Quiz Thingy
I've seen these test thingys on lots of blogs here lately - so here's mine. It looks to me like I'm an asshole!

ISTJ - "Trustee". Decisiveness in practical affairs. Guardian of time- honored institutions. Dependable. 11.6% of total population. |
Take Free Myers-Briggs Personality Test
Introverted (I) 66.67% Extroverted (E) 33.33%
Sensing (S) 57.89% Intuitive (N) 42.11%
Thinking (T) 76.47% Feeling (F) 23.53%
Judging (J) 72.22% Perceiving (P) 27.78%
Introverted bartender - What the fjuck? I'm going to go get some beer to think about this!!!
I guess because all my personal interactions as a high-volume bartender were about three seconds long. I gotta tell you though - I was the fastest bartender that ever lived!
I wonder what type I'm supposed to hook-up with?
Bullshit so far »Around the Bar...
Harvey waxes philosphical before Tipping Out on his tab.
Speaking of the Tip Jar, Harvey was working feverishly on blog maintenance yesterday (actually his Lovely Wife was on a short trip) and he consolidated all his Funny Money posts. So, I was counting up all my tips for the night and figured it will take months before I can pay the rent if it keep going like this:
06.2003: $ 18.00
07.2003: $119.00
08.2003: $ 38.00
09.2003: $ 51.28
10.2003: $ 25.00
Eric at Straight White Guy has discovered A Simple Truth About Blogging: Friends don't let friends blog drunk. I think it involoves some drinking... imagine that! You will have to scroll down the page to get to the post until I can help him fix his permalinks. Actually, I think he has a pretty interesting site - a little different, some poetry (not too fluffy), some observations, some goofy stuff. Plus he entered a recipe in The Ultimate Bloggers Recipe Contest.
"How do deer know to cross at the 'Deer Crossing' signs?" you ask. How the hell would I know - go Ask Jen.
Things a man should know: About Women:
While yes sometimes means no, no always means no, as does her ordering the garlicky pesto sauce, twirling her hair around her finger while gazing absently into space, and getting up from the table to go to the ladies' room and never returning.
I found that right underneath a photo essay and article of Britney Spears. She may be famous for being famous, but you have to admit... she's an animal!. Anyway, I found the whole thing kind of ironic... or is that moronic?
Dude, Whereâ€(tm)s My Hairy Monkey Ass? From On The Fritz via SilverBlue.
Bloviating Inanities is a FREAK!
Here is a recipe I found somewhere yesterday. Whatever you do, don't smell it!
Gorilla Fart:
Wild Turkey 101
Bacardi 151
I made The Cast over at SilverBlue, hey everyone needs their own bartender! Now, you may be asking yourself, "Self, What the hell is a SilverBlue?" Well, a SilverBlue is many things to many people, but above all, he is loyal - an admirable personal quality in this day and age. Go bullshit with him for a while. I wonder what his real name is? Just.Silver.Blue?
The Bartender says: Go Vote in my polls in the sidebar!
Bullshit so far »The Imperial Cocktail
While we are on the topic of favorite cocktails, I wanted to come up with an official Imperial Cocktail for The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler.
We need a really cool, catchy name.
And a recipe with Vodka and/or Schnapps and/or Ouzo - that's what our Emperor, Lord of Misha's Minionsâ„¢ drinks.
So, put your thinking caps on and help me come up with something worthy of our great and mighty Emperor Misha I.
Bullshit so far »Around the Bar...
Looks like Harvey had to beat up some hippies for tip money tonight! As long as it make it into the Tip Jar, I don't care.
I wonder if Blackfive can find a condom that will fit Rocket Jones' wallet. Maybe Homer can help them out.
Wondering how to increase the spoo in your goo? One Fine Jay knows!
Jim at Snooze Button Dreams pens a new Bibleman Action Figure Theme Song.
And he wanted to go camping? Eye On The Left gives us the skinny on some bear lunch rugged outdoorsmen.
Saloon Madfish Cyber Willies? The Evil Pundit of Doom shows us some logo-headed idiots. I wonder if I could hire four of them to walk around together all week...
Kevin at Wizbang issues an advisory: Don't mess with Baba Jallow - he'll whack your pee-pee.
SilverBlue has Prostitute / Protestant mixed up.
LeeAnn's friend, Rachel has an intersting way to end her makle believe stories - when she runs out of plot, she simply kills off everyone in the story. Abruptly.
Jim from Snooze Button Dreams proves you just can't beat the English language.
Bullshit so far »Around the Bar...
Harvey has another greenback for the Ultimate Tip Jar. I wonder when he's gonna get me one of these?
Harvey also has a nice post Why Willie's? of his impressions of my site. Thank you again for all your help the past several weeks!
Jennifer votes for one of my posts in the New Blog Showcase. That means I get at least one vote - maybe we can somehow count her vote as two... or five.
Ramblings of SilverBlue has one damn fine hunting dog. He also e-mailed a really cool drink recipe yesterday. Hmmm... That gives me an idea!
They at Anger Management have been reading the dirty magazines again. They are also on a rant. Go see them to see Why? They sure are cranky.
Wichi Dude at Life Happens thinks Old Albums sound better than todays CDs. My mom has a big stack of 78rpm Vinyl and my aunt has my Great Aunt's collection of the old metal perforated disks and the machine that plays them. I wish I could get my hands on that!
Blackfive is throwing an It's a Blogiversary! party. Plus he finally got around to blogrolling me - a High Five for Black Five!
Helen at Everyday Stranger is my kind of gal! She has a two part Drunk Chick Talk post. Just don't try to take advantage of her while she's drunk! This babe really has an entertaining writing style.
Master Yoder at the Accidental Jedi has a corny joke - the kind we like here.
LeeAnn at The Cheese Stands Alone has a cooking tip for us. While your there, check out the URL - I love it!
Lastly today, I want to thank all of you who have blogrolled me to date:
- Bad Money
- Practical Penumbra
- Jennifer's History and Stuff
- Who Tends The Fires
- Blackfive
- Spatula City
- The Ramblings of SilverBlue
- The Alliance of Free Blogs Thank you for your support!
Bullshit so far »New Blog Showcase
My votes for this week's New Blog Showcase:
Cult of Random for When Good Tacos Go Bad
Mjxm for SUV, Meet Foot
George W Bush's blog for Graham Out
OK, now the rest of you bloggers get over there and vote for me:
Madfish Willie's Cyber Saloon for Hangover - Part I
Bullshit so far »Around the Bar...
It looks like the Ulimate Tip Jar is empty tonight. Harvey is cut off - Go drink some coffee.
Evil Glenn is a FREAK!
Venomous Kate links to me today! WOW! Looks likes she's about to throw The Ultimate Tropical Blogging Bash.
Jennifer's Presidential Fun Fact of the Day is Bess Truman.
Jennifer's What Do You Know researches cliches referencing drinking/drunk. She tells us the origins of these timeless beauties!
"Never pet a burning dog!" - My personal favorite
"Hair of the dog that bit you."
"Drunk as a skunk."
"Drunk as Cooter Brown."
"Blind drunk."
"Here's mud in your eye."
Computers out of toner and coffee with cheese? What's up with that?
Frank J declares a new holiday.
Buck the Marine kickin ass in Iraq.
Lord Spatula I is feeding people to the lions...again?
Jim's having luch with G and G has some weird ideas about Spanking the Monkey. I think G just won the Freak of the Week Award!
Michelle's bitch slapping thousands of California
Tom's raising hell about the smoking Nazis, sobriety check-points (illegal, by the way), and lower blood alcohol percentages.
"A wee-mo-wack! A wee-mo-wack! In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight!" The Everyday Stranger is singing the closing song from a bar I managed in Dallas - the Safari Bar & Restaurant on the old restaurant row. I used to really like that song...excuse me...while I have a flashback!
Coming Soon:
The Ultimate Salsa Recipe
The Ultimate Queso Recipe
History of Beer
Evil Glenn Filthy Lie
Calling Shotgun
Bullshit so far »Around the Bar...
Thanks for dropping in for the Happy Hour festivities. Build yourself an Ultimate Martini (or two), kick back and take it easy.Funny stuff and stupid jokes are on the way.
Chief Wiggles has some new pics up with the Toy Drive featured! Go check it out!
Harvey is a not a FREAK today...yet!
Todays laugh your ass off Drinking Story is about Corn on the Cob. It's not what you think - yuk!
Venomous Kate cuts the cheese! Plus, she gives a great Martini recipe - Run Awaaaaaay!
Jennifer's Presidential Fun Fact of the day subject is Eleanor Roosevelt.
Today's is from the Shakespearean Insulter:
You do unbend your noble strength, to think so brainsickly of things.
Taken from: Macbeth
Viking Kittens want to take you to a gay bar.
Dumb Ass Cow Jokes
Did you hear about the snobby cow?
Did you hear that Canada sold the U.S. a large herd of bison?
Canada sent the U.S. a buffalo bill.
Did you know what the dairy maid at a chocolate factory does?
I milk chocolates!
Does running out of a burning barn make a cow unusual?
How did cows feel when the branding iron was invented?
How did that bullfight come out?
How did the calf s final exam turn out?
How did the cow feel when she couldn't give any milk?
How did the farmer find his lost cow?
How do bulls drive their cars?
Answers are in the comments section.
Today's Foreign Language Party Cookie is Armenian (click thru for the really good stuff)
Dmbo, Khmbo: idiot
Peranuht shoonuh kukneh: the dog should shit on you
Buhlo (BUL-lo): dick
Kuk oudelic shoon: shit eating dog
Vorig / vor: ass
Eem voriga bacheek doer: kiss my ass
Toon vor es: you are an ass
Around the Bar...
Thanks for dropping in for the Happy Hour festivities. Kick back, grab a cold beer. Funny stuff and stupid jokes galore to follow.
Remember - this is a bar, not Sunday School.
Todays laugh your ass off Drinking Story is about an answering machine.
Serenity can't sit outside on our patio, she has to sit inside so the mosquitos don't get her. But, someone tell her to leave the gecko at home - We don't need no stinkin' lizards!
Jennifer's Presidential Fun Fact of the Day subject is Eleanor Roosevelt. Don't mess with her, she'll blow you away!
Please feel free to wield these Troll Bashing Clue Bats on any resident trolls. If these are too nice for your particular troll, call me an I'll come over and wipe that son-of-a-bitch out for you!
Today's is from the Shakespearean Insulter:There's no room for faith, truth, nor honesty in this bosom of thine. It is all filled up with guts and midriff!
aaaaaand weeeeeeeee!.
Squirrels, monkeys, thug gangsters, really bad words, gonads & strife...
Dumb Ass Elephant Jokes
What do you do if you find a blue elephant ?
Why did the elephant jump in the lake when it began to rain ?
What is a baby elephant after he is five weeks old ?
What did the elephant say when the man grabbed him by the tail ?
What to you get if you cross a parrot with an elephant ?
How do you hire an elephant ?
What steps would you take if you were being chased by an elephant ?
What is stronger an elephant or a snail ?
What do you do with old cannon balls ?
What do you find in an elephants graveyard ?
Why do elephants have wrinkly ankes ?
Answers are in the comments section.
Jennifer also graces us with a Useless Word Fact. Today we are enlightened with the origins of the word Jeep.
Today's Foreign Language is Greek:
fila mou to kolo: kiss my ass
as to thialo: go to hell
vlaca: stupid, moron
segrafa sta archidia-mu: bullshit
psoli: dick
poutsokefalo: dick head
tsimbouki: blow job
Around the Bar...
As usual, Frank J has upped the ante for all humor bloggers. This time he has TWO posts on Aunold. Smear Tactics Gone Wild lists the Top 10 smears against Arnold. In My World: Total Recall 2. This Time It's Personal is Frank's take on the California recall election.
I know, I know, I know. I said No Politics on this site. But you just can't pass on Frank's hilarious satire on all things political. Now, let me rephrase that... No Political Discussions Here! (Except for Frank J)
Emperor Misha I from The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler has some competiting for Ruler of the World. It seems Caption Electro has designs of his own. Follow the linkage to this funny as hell site (I wish I could write like that myself). Be sure to read the comments on Misha's post for my Call To Arms for Misha's Minionsâ„¢ to overthrow this evil pretender to the throne.
Harvey from Bad Money has some dinero for The Bartender's Tip Jarâ„¢. Gracias, Senore.
Matt from Blackfive has The Blogger Drinking Game developed. You may remember that I made a suggestion to him (actually, he probably had already thought of it before) regarding drinking games for his theme last week. Oh well, at least I got a Drinky Linkâ„¢ out of the deal. It also gave me an idea to develope on my own and a subject and links for another post. Good Job, Matt. I raise my glass in a toast to the Blackfive!! Cheers!
Go check out the Monday Night Parrot at Modular Parrot. It's a wait, that's an owl. What sounds do a parrot make? (Bedsides Polly want a cracker...Asshole)
Bullshit so far »Around the Bar...
Thanks for dropping in for Happy Hour this afternoon. Kick back, grab a cold brewski. I'll show ya some funny stuff and tell a stupid joke or two.
Remember - this is a bar, not Sunday School.
Harvey at Bad Money is a FREAK!
Jennifer's Presidential Fun Fact of the Day is Lou Henry Hoover.
Food for Thought - an an e-mail forwarded from my mom
Jerry's Thought for the Day!
If "infancy" is a requirement for infants; then is "adultery" a requirement for adults?
Who the hell is Jerry and why does his mind work like this...
Today's quote from the Shakespearean Insulter:
[Thou art] a flesh monger, a fool, and a coward.
Taken from: Measure for Measure
Badgers? We don't need no stinkin' badgers!
Check out this goofy flash movie.
Now... Just try to get that song out of your head! Mwahaha...
Since I spoke about the titty dancers in an earlier post here are some boobies:
Warning: R-rated pics of double-breasted mattress thrashers!
Robyn is running the Blogger Boobie Thon 2003. Proceeds benefit the Susan B Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. Right now there are 68 bloggerette contestants (and a couple of guys too - what's up with that?), and 109 donors who have given over $4,700. A good cause and nice browsing while your just sitting there. I like the girl with the ribbons on her nipples - NICE!
Speaking if strippers, check out this peckerhead cop trying to barter nude dances to "fix" a dancer's tainted driving record. What an dumbass!
Dumb Ass Aardvark Jokes
Who loves hamburgers, French fries, and ants?
What is uglier than an aardvark?
What does the aardvark call his dog?
What is the difference between an aardvark and a coyote?
What does an aardvark take for ant-digestion?
What does an aardvark get when he overeats?
What does an aardvark keep in his aquarium?
Who's the aardvark's favorite female vocalist?
Who's aardvark's favorite male singer?
What are the aardvark's favorite Beatle's songs?
Answers are in the comments section.
Bullshit so far »Monday Nights
Monday night in the bar business is of the Worst.Night.Ever variety. I don't vare what you tried to do, you never ran squat for money on Monday nights. Hell, in one of the giant dance halls, your over-head just to turn the lights on could run up to between $1,200 and $2,000. Take your rent, portion of the electrical bill, pro rata for the management salaries and BAM! there you are.
I don't care what you tried to do, it just wouldn't work. If you worked a Big Dance Hall, it just took too many people to make it look like anyone was there. For instance, your Occupational Capacity is rated at 1,750 people. Well, until there are 1,000 bodies in the room, you don't have any energy. One place I worked, who prided themself for being open every night, even built a false curtain wall to try to shrink the room. Nice try - no cigar.
Next, if you wanted to drive any traffic, you had to prostitute your price structure - think deep discounting of the 1.00 U-Call-It variety. Nope. Nada.
Last Call »Bullshit so far »
New Blog Showcase
As part of my duties as a member of The Blogger Alliance, I must vote in the New Blog Showcase each week. Maybe I can get in the contest here pretty soon. I just need to get a couple of really far out, cool, spiffy... posts.
I'm voting for Tom's Nap Room post "Eliminate all Turnpikes"
He talks about the confiscatory prices gas stations, fast food, novelty stores, etc charge on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. I know what he means. I used to fly in and out of DFW airport all the time and it was the same thing at the gas station right before the toll booths. They just beat you up because they have a captive audience. I know that overhead is higher because of the lease rates, but product and labor related costs are the same as they are for all the rest of the chain stores. So what makes them think they can get away with bending you over the barrell? Jerks!! I'm gonna take my toys and go somewhere else.
Sshh.. Makes me so mad, I'm thirsty. Gotta go get a cold one to settle down!
Bullshit so far »About Madfish Willie
I worked in the nightclub and restaurant business for right at 20 years. I started at the bottom and worked my way up. I worked as a part time-doorman, barback, bartender, Bar Manager, Assistant Manager, General Manager, Area Supervisor, Quality Control (IG) Inspector, and Director of Operations. I worked in 1,500 sq ft neighbohood joints with jukebox entertainment, mid-size clubs with recorded music and dancing, 25,000 sq ft Country Western Dance Halls with racetrack style dance-floors, and 40,000 sq ft multi-concept Entertainment Complexes with live music. I've booked all types of live music with my favorite being the Classic Concert Series with old rock bands still touring the nightclub circuits. I worked in a Cajun Cafe many of you have probably heard of and possibly eaten at, if you are in a major metropolitan area in Texas. Hell, you've probably been in one of my nightclubs if you are over 25 - might have even seen each other!
I ran every kind of promotion under the sun trying to increase traffic counts and sales. I want to incorporate some of those promotional into this blog to keep it entertaining and fresh, but more about that later.
Primarily, I want this blog to be like dropping in at the corner bar for a couple of cold ones on the way home. I have some ideas on how I want to acheive that atmosphere. I'll talk about drinking, throwing up, beer, whiskey, movies, music, beer, other bars & restaurants, sports, tv (because I want to), beer, tell some jokes, and finally... more beer. Two things we won't talk about, just like two things we don't talk about in bars: Religion & Politics. Starts a fight every time. Besides there are plenty of other places you can discuss those topics, starting with the links on my sidebar. I will also talk about Yellow Dog and Harold (Hey, this is my site) and maybe some cool guy stuff like power tools and cars and stuff.
I have some ideas for weekly satire, trivia contests, holiday parties and pics, and maybe some fund-raising benefits. If you have anything you'd like to see, let me know. If I like it and it doesn't cost too much, we'll do it. After all, you are The Customer!
Wish me luck on my new journey and drop by for some Beers and Bullshittin'â„¢!
Bullshit so far »Thanks
BIG THANKS to Harvey at Bad Money for his encouragement, direction and assistance.
Thanks to Matt at Blackfive for ideas to blog about stemming from one of his weekly blogging themes - Drinking, even though this will come as complete surprize to him.
Thanks to Emperor Misha I at The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler for anointing me the Imperial Tender of Bars. And thanks to his formidable empire of Loyal Citizens for giving me the confidence that I have the ability to write semi-coherent sentences and clearly communicate a thought - although the jury is still out on the last part of that.
Thanks to Lord Spatula I, King and Tyrant at Spatula City for teaching me cragerization, how to flame trolls, and just generally being a mean, funny suminabatch.
Bullshit so far »My First Link!
Have you ever won award unexpectedly or read your name in print for something you had done? Remember what that felt like - kinda hard to describe it, but you sure miss the feeling, right?
Well, I was surfing around the blogosphere tonight and all I'm over at Blackfive, The Paratrooper of Love's place and I glance down the page for new posts and there was a post title of New Blogger on the Loose. Well, I started through the post to check out who it was, and hot damn! whatta ya know - he's talking about me! He had posted a tailgate Martini recipe early in the week and being the Professional Mixologist™ that I am, I had to ching-a-ling his recipe out a little.
Matt's Drinking theme for this week really gave me some good ideas for a blog, so I e-mail him some suggestions for his site. Just some goofy stuff off the top of my head. Anyway, he e-mailed me back and suggested I start my own blog - so you can blame Matt for all the abuse about to be unleashed on an unsuspecting public.
Well, I'm gonna go build me a giant Martini (a Blackfive Tailgate Special) and pour it into a big ol' plastic cup while I watch SportsCenter and NFL Prime Time! In the mean time, I'll just be struttin around the room like a banty rooster.
Vodka Martini
Two ounces of Vokda (Absolut preferred here).
Splash of Dry Vermouth.
Do not pour the vermouth over ice.
Chill the Martini glass (and only use the classic Martini glass).
Chill vodka over ice in mixing glass.
Pour chilled water / ice from Martini glass and dry inside of glass.
Pour vermouth into Martini glass, swirl, pour out, shake remainer of vermouth from glass.
Strain vokda into Martini glass.
Spear three small stuffed olives and drop in glass to marinate.
When drinking a Martini, take a bit out of olive and a sip of Martini, chew, swirl, swallow.
The above recipe is from The Professional Mixologist Recipe Guide™
Go Cubbies!
Matt's a Chicago fan, I'm assuming he's from there or lives there now. Is this the year, Matt? They have some damn fine starting pitching and if they can put up a little run support, it could be!
My First Post
The lease papers are signed.
The keys to the building are in my hands.
The construction crew is here.
Let's open this baby up and get to work!
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Bullshit so far »Disclaimer
Madfish Willie's web site and newsletters from Madfish Willie's Cyber Saloon are intended to share with readers information of interest to Madfish Willie, including assinine and unfounded opinions of others. It is not intended to offer specific mental health advice or act as a substitute for Alocoholics Anonomous. Opinions, products, or services mentioned herein are not necessarily endorsed by the Madfish Willie or Madfish Willie's Cyber Saloon.
Please consult your doctor for professional health care advice!
Bullshit so far »
...Holmes was the man, Bartender... hands down.... even though Soze was just plain cooler because he killed people.. Holmes was still the man...
Eric bullshitted on June 23, 2004 at 04:31 PM