Hola, everybody!

I'm baaaaack! Sorry for the no posting zone here for the last week as I know many of you have come to depend on the sage drinking advice and really dumb-ass jokes from the The Bartender, Madfish et al!

Before you start fucking with me Harvey, I have a good excuse. I was at an out of town job, in the field, with no internet access (that I cared to pay for anyway) and my laptop was at home. Anyway, just got back in and need to answer all my e-mails etc.

Regular blogging will begin again starting with Sunday's Tales From The Champagne Room.

Until then, have a couple of ice cold ones on the house!

ยป by Madfish Willie on December 19 :: Permalink :: Comments (9) :: Who Cares

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Welcome home!! The first two shots are on me. Heh.

Posted by: margi on December 19, 2003 09:01 PM

Body shots! Woooohooooooo!!!

Posted by: Dana on December 20, 2003 12:22 AM

Test strike

go to hell Harvey!
bold italics underline Eject!3 H2O

thanks to Pixy Misa for pointing the way out of the wilderness

Posted by: The Bartender on December 20, 2003 12:32 AM

Dana's offering body shots? I'm next!

Welcome back Bartender, ya lazy, no good loafer. And pass the pretzels.

Posted by: Harvey on December 20, 2003 07:24 AM

Welcome back, Bartender, I was starting to get the DT's....so, I'll have a Scotch and Water..iffin it ain't too much trouble...

Posted by: Eric on December 20, 2003 07:46 AM

Except for me? Hey, I wasn't the one who went to the can and forgot to come back!

Posted by: Victor on December 20, 2003 08:59 AM

Yeah.... greeting and salutations, yadda yadda. Enough small talk - POUR!

Posted by: Mike the Marine on December 20, 2003 12:33 PM

Welcome back! I'll take something with Kahlua...

Posted by: pam on December 20, 2003 06:26 PM

don't lie.. you weren't out of town.. you were found nekked in a motel 6 with some strange looking ewok standing next to you...

Posted by: pylorns on December 22, 2003 10:43 AM