
Jokes by Harv E Roo

Dumb-Ass Jokes told by Harv E Roo to Kang A. Roo

Madfish Willie's is the #3 & #4 & #10 Google search result for: another word for dumb ass!

Harv E Roo: What's worse than a giraffe with a sore throat?
Kang A Roo: An aardvark with the sniffles!

Harv E Roo: What does an aardvark use when he has a cold?
Kang A Roo: An ant-ihistamine!

Harv E Roo: What command does the aardvark give most often when he sails?
Kang A Roo: Snout about!

Harv E Roo: What does the aardvark take sailing?
Kang A Roo: An aard ark!

Harv E Roo: How do ants hide from aardvarks?
Kang A Roo: They disguise themselves as uncles!

Harv E Roo: Why do aardvarks like to talk to ants?
Kang A Roo: They can stick to the subject!

Harv E Roo: Why was Easter the aardvark's favorite holiday?
Kang A Roo: Because he liked aard-boiled eggs!

Harv E Roo: What has 200 legs, 50 noses, and is very loud?
Kang A Roo: A herd of stampeding aardvarks!

Harv E Roo: Where does the aardvark family always come first?
Kang A Roo: In the phone book!

Harv E Roo: What do you call a boxing match between two aardvarks?
Kang A Roo: A snout bout!


» by Madfish Willie on February 3 :: Permalink :: Comments (1) :: Dumb Ass Jokes


Harv E Roo: How do ants hide from aardvarks?
Kang A Roo: They disguise themselves as uncles!

Worst. Joke. Ever.

Gimme a double to get the taste of that one outta my head.

Posted by: Harvey on February 4, 2004 10:32 AM
Let's hear your bullshit

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