A ventriloquist is visiting this Indian Chief. He decides to have some fun and tells the Chief, "Hey Chief, I see ya got an old hound dog. Mind if I talk to him?"
"Dog no talk!", replied the chief.
"Oh, I'll bet he does. Hi buddy, how ya doin?", says the ventriloquist while petting the pooch".
"Oh, not bad", says the dog. "Chief feeds me good and I just lay around the teepee.", came the reply from the dog.
The Chief was amazed! The ventriloquist was having fun so he says, "Hey Chief, I see you've got a horse outside here. Mind if I talk to him?"
"Horse no talk!", replied the Chief.
"Oh, I'll bet he does. Hi fella, how ya doin?", say the ventriloquist while rubbing the horses nose.
"Oh, not bad says the horse. Chief stays home a lot anymore. I just hang around eating hay.", came the reply from the horse.
Now the Chief was really amazed! The ventriloquist was enjoying this so he says, "Hey Chief, I see you've got some sheep outside here. Mind if I talk to them?"
"OH...SHEEP LIE...SHEEP LIE!!", replied the Chief.
I always thought you had a little Indian in ya, Barkeep. Now we know where.
Bartender's out back "glazing his lambchops"
Posted by: Harvey on September 27, 2004 08:48 AMYou mean he's got Sherry Lewis' hand up his... you know what, nevermind. Bartender can do what he wants to do and i sure as hell won't sell tickets to it, nosireebob.
Posted by: tommy on September 27, 2004 01:12 PM