Dumb-Ass Jokes told by Kang A. Roo
First Kangaroo: Did you hear the joke about the skunk?
Second Kangaroo: Never mind, it stinks!
First Kangaroo: How many skunks do you need to make a house really smelly?
Second Kangaroo: Just a phew!
First Kangaroo: What do you get if you cross a skunk and a dinosaur?
Second Kangaroo: A stinkasaurus!
First Kangaroo: How can you tell when a skunk is angry?
Second Kangaroo: It raises a stink!
First Kangaroo: How can you tell a rabbit from a skunk?
Second Kangaroo: A skunk uses a cheaper deodorant!
First Kangaroo: What's a skunk's favourite game in school?
Second Kangaroo: Show and smell!
First Kangaroo: What do you get if you cross a skunk and a boomerang?
Second Kangaroo: A smell that keeps coming back!
First Kangaroo: What did the forgetful skunk say when the wind changed direction?
Second Kangaroo: It’s all coming back to me now!
First Kangaroo: What did the baby skunk want to be when he grew up?
Second Kangaroo: A big stinker!
First Kangaroo: What's a skunk's philosophy of life?
Second Kangaroo: Eat, stink and be merry!
For some reason, I kept adding the phrase "in France" to all those answers.
First Kangaroo: What's a skunk's philosophy of life?
Second Kangaroo: Eat, stink and be merry...in France!
Whaddya think? Better, worse, or about the same?
Posted by: Harvey on January 6, 2004 10:13 AMI like your versions better... I have about 5 more days of skunk jokes coming up... I'll try to remember to cragerize 'em!