Dumb-Ass Jokes told by Kang A. Roo
First Kangaroo: What do baby pythons play with ?
Second Kangaroo: Rattle snakes !
First Kangaroo: What kind of letters did the snake get from his admirers ?
Second Kangaroo: Fang letters !
First Kangaroo: What's long, green and goes hith ?
Second Kangaroo: A snake with a lisp !
First Kangaroo: "So glad to meet you" said the Hindu politely ?
Second Kangaroo: "Charmed I'm sure ", replied the snake !
First Kangaroo: What do you get if crossed a new born snake with a basketball ?
Second Kangaroo: A bouncing baby boa !
First Kangaroo: What snakes are found on cars ?
Second Kangaroo: Windscreen vipers !
First Kangaroo: Why did some snakes disobey Noah when he said "Go forth and multiply" ?
Second Kangaroo: They couldn't, they were adders !