Welcome to My World!

Long time lurker and commentor supreme, Mike the Marine, he of the fictitous e-mail address somewhere out in BFE, has just moved into bloggerville.

A hearty welcome to Mike the Marine from Madfish Willie and the Corner of the Bar Gang and the Corner of the Bar Babes!

As a matter of fact, Madfish has just been waitin to honor you with a membership to the Gang. So now you are duly initiated into the Corner of the Bar Gang with cold beers and free pretzels all night long. [Remember, there is NO SEX in The Champagne Room]

Now, everybody go over there and harass Mike the Marine for a change!! We look forward to his wit and expert commentary.

In case you need to blogroll him real quick:


» by Madfish Willie on December 4 :: Permalink :: Comments (0) :: Corner of the Bar Gang
» XSet links with: For want of anything better

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For want of anything better
Excerpt: ... it's time for a round up. Don is having lady trouble Kelvin has found a gem of a cartoon strip ... well worth a look if you, like me, seem to be most amused by gutter humor applied to...
Weblog: XSet
Tracked: December 4, 2003 07:34 AM