Blondes Beer

A blonde goes into a bar. The bartender asks her what she would like, and she replies, "Bring me a beer." The bartender then asks, "Anheuser-Busch?" To which she replies, "Fine thanks, and how's your cock?"

» by Madfish Willie on December 29 :: Permalink :: Comments (4) :: Jokes

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To which the Bartender responded:



Posted by: Harvey on December 29, 2004 11:27 PM

Hey... YOU resemble that remark... Shorty

Posted by: Madfish Willie on December 31, 2004 01:57 PM

Say it with me:

"It's only short on one end"

Posted by: Harvey on January 1, 2005 02:17 PM

"It's only short on one end"

Posted by: Madfish Willie on January 2, 2005 03:23 PM