Jokes by Kang A Roo

Dumb-Ass Jokes told by Kang A. Roo

Folks we need some help here. The Ecosystem has us listed as a Slithering Reptile and we know for sure we are Marauding Marsupial. So go over to Abject Apathetic Procrastination and look at all my beautiful friends and send all your friends over. Then blogroll us so you can see us everyday!

~Kang A Roo~

First Kangaroo: What do you get when you cross a Chihuahua with an English sheepdog?
Second Kangaroo: Small wool sweaters!

First Kangaroo: What side of a Chihuahua has the most hair?
Second Kangaroo: The outside!

First Kangaroo: When do Chihuahuas smell?
Second Kangaroo: When they don't take a bath!

First Kangaroo: How do Chihuahuas smell?
Second Kangaroo: With their nose!

First Kangaroo: How do you take a Chihuahua's temperature?
Second Kangaroo: With a small thermometer!

First Kangaroo: What's the best way to measure a Chihuahua?
Second Kangaroo: With a ruler!

First Kangaroo: How do Chihuahuas eat so much?
Second Kangaroo: They make a lot go a little way!

First Kangaroo: Why did the Chihuahua ask the bloodhound to take it to a restaurant?
Second Kangaroo: Because the bloodhound just found a lot of scents!

First Kangaroo: How can you tell if a Chihuahua has been in the refrigerator?
Second Kangaroo: Paw prints in the butter!

First Kangaroo: How did your Chihuahua break its leg?
Second Kangaroo: I dropped some dog food on it by accident.
First Kangaroo: But that couldn't have broken its leg.
Second Kangaroo: The dog food was still in the can!


ยป by Madfish Willie on December 6 :: Permalink :: Comments (2) :: Dumb Ass Jokes

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That was MY Chihuahua...

...and it WASN'T an accident.

Stupid yippy little ankle-biter.

Posted by: Harvey on December 6, 2003 08:46 AM

Wow, Kang wrote some dandies this time. I just about laughed my tail off!

Posted by: Tiger on December 6, 2003 11:27 PM