
Episode 0006824377

Next Up on Random Munuviana...

Airing Wednesday on Kosher Zombie TV at full moon:
Random Munuviana Episode 0006824377.

Touch prefrontal lobes for another half hard space drama. Tonight's episode. Ted hallucinates when a floating fat man molests a box of amusing artifacts.

Later on, Doctor Jennifer goes to a highspeed shuttle to find the enemy base. Tiger feels empowered when Tim disfigures The Borg Queen at a rare photo opportunity. Meanwhile, Victor (Oh my g-d, they killed Dead Meat)'s lice-infested flying pigs escape from confining religious delusion, causing nightmares for Leann.

You'll love the bloodshed when Chuck's energy relay station is attacked by black Nazi Burger Queen in a living alien transit device. Pixy Misa blasts the hostile forces into withdrawl after dodging inside a dense metallic asteroid, saving Susie's badly designed transport vehicle from certain destruction.

Finally, after a generous slew of ads for Cherry's aging phone sluts, Don's monkey glands, and Jim's ant farms, some electricians and a couple of the Munuvian body doubles stand around the secret mirror and look at Jennifer's fetish vinyl, everyone has a hearty laugh and they roll the credits next to a teaser for the Donald Trump execution.

After the show, the model makers go to Helen's for corn dogs and a blow job. Everyone is growing extra sets of arms and Mookie Riffic's blue planet is a great place.

Content provided by Monkey Fingers.
The names have been cragerized
to try to make it funny.


[Original Epsiode]

Airing Wednesday on Kosher Zombie TV at full moon:
Random Trek Episode 0006824377.

Touch prefrontal lobes for another half hard space drama. Tonight's episode. Geordi LaForge hallucinates when a floating fat man molests a box of amusing artifacts.

Later on, Doctor Crusher goes to a highspeed shuttle to find the enemy base. Security Officer Tuvok feels empowered when Doctor Who disfigures The Borg Queen at a rare photo opportunity. Meanwhile, lice-infested flying pigs escape from confining religious delusion, causing nightmares for Nurse Chappell.

You'll love the bloodshed when an energy relay station is attacked by black Nazis in a living alien transit device. Captain Picard blasts the hostile forces into withdrawl after dodging inside a dense metallic asteroid, saving a badly designed transport vehicle from certain destruction.

Finally, after a generous slew of ads for aging phone sluts, monkey glands and ant farms, some electricians and a couple of the body doubles stand around the secret mirror and look at Beverly Crusher's fetish vinyl, everyone has a hearty laugh and they roll the credits next to a teaser for the Donald Trump execution.

After the show, the model makers go to Watts for corn dogs and a blow job. Everyone is growing extra sets of arms and the blue planet is a great place.

» by Madfish on October 31 :: Permalink :: Comments (1) :: Random Munuviana TV


I am outraged! Insulted! This is war! How dare you slander my name like that?

They go to my place for corn dogs and a blow job????!!!! How dare you! What are you suggesting here, huh?

We ALL know I am a vegetarian!

Tofu dogs and a blow job. TOFU DOGS and a blow job!


Posted by: Helen on October 31, 2003 05:39 AM
Let's hear your bullshit

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