Q: Why do Scotsmen wear kilts?
A: Because sheep can hear zippers MILES away.
Gee, Bartender, I had no idea you were Scottish :-P
Posted by: Harvey on November 13, 2004 09:58 PMJust saw your request for a limerick for Harvey here. I can't come up with one for Harvey; OTOH, this one sprang to mind:
He once loved a sweet girl named Trish,
And would happily grant her any wish.
But when she talked to his mother,
She was shocked to discover,
That "M.F." didn't stand for Mad Fish!
Okay, here's one:
There once was a mad fish named Willie
Who swam in the water so chilly
As he stood on the dock
And looked at his cock, he said
"Shrinkage sure makes me feel silly."
Good ones - Victor and Annika... do one for Herbey!
Posted by: Madfish Willie on November 15, 2004 09:11 AM