Spnak Frnak

Madfish Willie's one man crusade to have Frank J blogroll every single member of The Alliance is in day #21. I will Spnak Frnak every day on this site. Frnak will receive no linkage except in the ClueBat Insults and Madfish Willie's Daily Cuss Words of the Happy Hour Party.

Here is the next installment of: Spnak Frnak.

Madfish Willie's is the # 1 Google search for Spnak Frnak!

Also the #1, #2, #3, #4 Google search for Spnak!

Also the #4, #5 Google search for Frnak!

» by Madfish Willie on December 8 :: Permalink :: Comments (1) :: Spnak Frnak
» Ramblings of SilverBlue links with: Much Ado about Link-Luv™

Trackbacks to Spnak Frnak
Much Ado about Link-Luv™
Excerpt: Today's Link-Luv™ is brought to you by the number 1. Punchbuggy discusses what I originally thought would be a Simon & Garfunkel song. Not so, it's actually a good diatribe on ONE life as he knows it. Tink finds there...
Weblog: Ramblings of SilverBlue
Tracked: December 8, 2003 08:12 AM

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