Day By Day© by Chris Muir - Get This Guy Syndicated!

February 03, 2004


Here is a comment banner, but I havn't run this by John.


Very light sand: #C8AA85
Medium sand: #B1895F
Dark brown: #78573E
Color of tank: #D9BC98

Reporting As Ordered, Sir! »

by pamibe on Feb 03, 2004 | TrackBack (0)

February 02, 2004

Every time I email you....

...I get an email back saying it does not go through...
Do you have anything other than the hotmail account?

So, after 3 different tries I'm doing this. :)
I uploaded one of the banners I'm working on for John...
It's here, and of course I replaced the <> with []:

[img alt="argghhh4.jpg" src="" width="850" height="234" border="0" /]


Flash Traffic Follows... »

Reporting As Ordered, Sir! »

by pamibe on Feb 02, 2004 | TrackBack (0)